As the Festive Season begins, countries from around the world are starting to celebrate Christmas with their own unique traditions. Europa Trust Company Ltd reports on delightful and sometimes quirky Christmas customs from around the world.

1. Japan
For many Japanese, traditional Christmas dinner means gathering around a table and eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. This unique tradition started in 1970 when the manager of Japan’s first KFC promoted fried chicken as a traditional American Christmas feast. The “tradition” is so popular orders for KFC buckets are placed as early as November with large queues outside KFC restaurants on Christmas day.

2. Venezuela
In the week leading up to Christmas, Venezuelans attend daily church services called Misa de Aguinaldo (Early Morning Mass). In the capital, Caracas, it is customary to travel to the church services on roller skates. It is unclear how and when the tradition started but many roads in the capital are closed to provide Christmas worshippers with a safe passage.

3. Norway
According to Norwegian folklore, Christmas coincides with the arrival of witches. It is believed witches steal broomsticks, ride across the country and descend on houses to frighten humans. At Christmas time, to ensure peace, Norwegians hide their mops and brooms to prevent the witches from being able to travel across the country

4. Portugal
During the traditional Christmas feast (Consoada,) in Portugal, families often set extra places at table to honour deceased relatives. This heartfelt custom is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to the household in the coming year.

5. Germany
During the Festive Season, German children leave a boot or a shoe outside their bedroom door. This tradition is a charming blend of reward and caution. If children have been good, they will find their shoes filled with sweets, if not, they will find a tree branch instead.
We wish all our clients and friends a wonderful festive season!
Please note that our offices will be closed from 13h00 on
24 December 2024 and will re-open at 09h00 on 06 January 2025

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